20 jul 2024

Top AI Tools for Note-Taking: A Full Guide for Students

Explore the best AI note-taking apps for students, from comprehensive tools to specialized solutions, and see how ChatLabs can revolutionize your study habits.


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In the modern educational landscape, note-taking is more than just a way to jot down what you hear in class. It has evolved into a strategic skill that can significantly impact your academic performance. AI technology has brought new tools for students. The tools are designed to make note-taking better. They are effective, organized, and collaborative. This article covers the top AI tools for students. It explores their features and explains how these technologies can improve your study habits.

Best AI Note-Taking Tools for Students

1. Notion: The Ultimate Workspace

Notion is a multi-functional tool that goes beyond traditional note-taking. Originally, it was not an AI service! But now it got even more popular and useful. It started to integrate AI technologies to help students manage their notes, projects, and tasks all in one place.

Key Features:

  • Notion has many customizable templates for different needs. They include lecture notes, to-do lists, and project tracking. This allows students to start with a framework and customize it to their specific requirements.

  • Database Functionality: Notion's database feature empowers students to design and manage custom databases, efficiently categorizing and retrieving information. This tool is powerful. It is especially valuable for researchers. They can use it to organize and analyze their findings. For instance, a student doing a science fair project can create a database. It will track the variables, results, and conclusions of their experiment. This makes it easy to find patterns and correlations. Also, students can use databases to keep their study materials in order. For example, they can create a database for vocabulary words. It can hold their definitions, examples, and practice quizzes. By doing so, they can quickly find the needed information. This saves time and boosts their grades. But, for databases, Obsidian may be an even more interesting option.

  • Notion has collaborative features. They support real-time collaboration. Not only that, such feature make it easy for students to work together on group projects. Or to share notes with classmates in any suitable format.

Explore Notion


2. Evernote: Your Digital Notebook (Now With AI)

Evernote is a top competitor in note-taking. It's one of the oldest and most well known notetaking applications. Now, it also has some AI-powered features built in. They are designed to make capturing and organizing information easier.

Key Features:

  • Web Clipping Tool: Evernote’s web clipper allows students to save articles, research papers, and other online resources directly into their notebooks. This feature is invaluable for gathering research materials without losing track of them.

  • Document Scanning: Evernote can scan handwritten notes and turn them into searchable text. This helps students keep all their notes digital and organized.

  • Advanced Search is a one more strong feature. It makes it easy to find specific notes or info. This is true even if you have a lot of content.

Learn More About Evernote


3. Microsoft OneNote: Seamless Integration

Microsoft OneNote is a well-integrated tool. It is very old and was used by many for decades, but now it mixes flexible note-taking with AI. This blend can boost student productivity a lot. What can I say about it personally? I tried to use it fr a year or so, but then switched to other applications. For me, OneNote was too heavy while not giving so much value as other options from this list.

Key Features:

  • Handwriting Recognition: OneNote’s AI can convert handwritten notes into typed text, making it easier to edit and organize notes later. By the way, if you have iOS device, you have this feature by default, without any apps.

  • Audio Notes: The ability to record lectures and sync them with your notes allows students to revisit and review audio content alongside their written notes.

  • OneNote integrates with Microsoft Office. It works seamlessly with Word and Excel. This allows for a more joined academic workflow. And, as it is Microsoft, OneNote works very smoothly on Windows.

Discover Microsoft OneNote


4. Roam Research: Advanced Mind Mapping

Roam Research is for those who like non-linear note-taking. It uses AI to help with advanced organization and linking of ideas.

Key Features:

  • Bi-Directional Linking: This feature allows students to create connections between different notes, facilitating a networked understanding of concepts and ideas.

  • Daily Notes: Roam’s daily notes feature encourages regular journaling and tracking of ongoing thoughts, which can be useful for capturing fleeting ideas or daily reflections.

  • Graph Visualization: The graph overview provides a visual representation of how different notes are interconnected, helping students see the bigger picture of their knowledge base.

Explore Roam Research
Or watch a short video by a well-known productivity expert Thomas Frank:

5. Obsidian: Your Personal Knowledge Base

Obsidian stands out in a crowded field of note-taking apps. It has caused a frenzy of interest on YouTube and other social media. Especially among productivity experts and students. But what's driving its sudden popularity? The answer lies in its unique approach to creating a personal knowledge base, a concept that has resonated with users. Obsidian now uses the power of artificial intelligence as well. It enables seamless note linking. This allows users to connect ideas and concepts with ease. Additionally, it supports markdown. Markdown provides a flexible and intuitive writing experience. It makes it a breeze to organize and refine thoughts. This potent combination has struck a chord with users seeking a more effective way to manage their knowledge and ideas.

Key Features:

  • Local Storage: Obsidian stores notes locally on your device, ensuring privacy and control over your data.

  • Graph View: This feature visualizes the relationships between different notes, aiding in the understanding of how ideas interrelate.

  • A Lot of Plugins: Obsidian has extensive plugin support. Its plugin system allows for customization and enhancement. Plugins offer advanced options for organization and productivity.

Learn More About Obsidian - or try it out, it may be worth it.

As Obsidian has a bit more of a learning curve, I recommend you to watch this short tutorial, it will be helpful:

6. RemNote: Combining Note-Taking and Spaced Repetition

RemNote integrates note-taking with spaced repetition. It is an excellent tool for students. They aim to improve memory retention and study efficiency.

Key Features:

  • Spaced Repetition: The app includes an integrated flashcard system that uses spaced repetition to help students retain information more effectively.

  • Linked References: Easily link related notes and concepts to build a comprehensive knowledge base.

  • Students can transform their learning experience by annotating PDFs directly in RemNote. This powerful feature allows them to engage with study materials better. It makes it simpler to understand and review complex papers. For instance, when reviewing a research paper on climate change, students can highlight key stats. They can add notes on the method used. They can even make flashcards to learn key terms like "mitigation" and "adaptation." By doing so, they can break down dense academic texts into small parts. They can find patterns and connections that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. As a result, students can improve their critical thinking. They can develop a deeper understanding of the subject. I can say that this will let students make more informed and well-supported arguments in their assignments. And outside of assignments as well!

Discover RemNote


7. Bear: Elegant and Flexible Writing

Bear? Yes, Bear is a minimalist note-taking app. What is not so usual: it supports markdown. It's designed for students who prefer a clean and elegant writing environment. Let's see what it can offer.

Key Features:

  • Markdown Support: Write in markdown for simple formatting and conversion to various formats, including HTML and PDF.

  • Cross-Note Links let you create links between notes. They help you maintain a well-organized set of interconnected documents.

  • Customizable Themes: Personalize the app’s appearance with a variety of themes and styles to match your preferences.

Check Out Bear


Use Cases for ChatLabs: Multi-Model AI Integration

ChatLabs offers a unique advantage for students by integrating multiple AI models into a single platform. This includes top models like GPT-4, Claude, Mistral, LLama, Gemini and more. Even the most fresh and new models - GPT-4o Mini, Mistral NeMo and others. It also includes the ability to generate images. Here are some ways ChatLabs can benefit students:

  • Enhanced note-taking. Use different AI models for various tasks. For example, to summarize lectures, make study materials, and create visual aids.

  • Collaborative Projects: Leverage ChatLabs’ multi-model capabilities to collaborate on research papers, presentations, and group projects with advanced AI assistance.

  • Creative and Research Support: Generate content ideas, perform in-depth research, and create visual representations of complex concepts, all within a single platform.

For more details, visit ChatLabs to see how you can use cutting-edge AI technologies to enhance your academic experience.



AI-powered note-taking tools are revolutionizing the way students manage their studies. By using these advanced technologies, you can improve your note-taking speed. You can also improve collaboration and boost your learning. You might need a comprehensive workspace like Notion. But, truth be said, Notion may also be simplistic and streamlined. On the other hand, you might need a specialized tool like RemNote or even ChatLabs AI. There is a useful note-taking app tailored to fit your needs. Also, make sure to have a good note-taking option on the go. I prefer handwritten notes, but there are most of this apps for Android or iPad as well. Try to establish a comfortable and satisfying workflow, and it will aid you in any work or studies.


Also, with ChatLabs, students can access many AI models, write any text or generate any image. These are for diverse applications, like text generation, research support, and image creation. This mix of high-tech tools ensures that you have the best tools. They will help you succeed in your academic endeavors.

For detailed articles on AI, visit our blog, where we explore technology with a focus on enhancing people's lives and meeting their needs.

See you in the next articles!




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