14 feb 2024

Optimize Sales Funnel: 5 AI Prompts for Boosting Conversions

Your sales funnel is like a map for turning people who are just looking into happy customers. It's really important because it shows you how to keep people interested in what you're selling from start to finish. If you get this right, you're on your way to doing well in your business.

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Sales Funnel

How ChatGPT Can Help

If you run a business, making your sales funnel work well is key. A good funnel helps turn people who are just looking into buyers. It’s not just about getting their attention; you need to keep them interested and guide them until they're ready to make a purchase. This is something you should work on first.

Smart AI tools like Writingmate.ai or ChatGPT can help optimize your sales funnel with the right prompts. We talked to five experts on AI and how to use it for sales. They shared tips on how entrepreneurs can use ChatGPT to help their businesses. Just fill in the blanks with your business details in the prompts they suggest, and see how each part of your funnel can improve.

Optimize every step of your sales funnel

  1. Picture Each Funnel Step

Before you start optimizing your funnel, you need to know what each step is. Without knowing this, you can’t start. Dan Linden, an expert in AI in sales and co-founder of Chief AI Officer, says it’s best to think about what content ideas fit each step of the funnel, like getting people interested, making them think about buying, and deciding to buy. He uses ChatGPT to come up with ideas for each stage.

The prompt he suggests:

"Generate a comprehensive content strategy tailored for each phase of the marketing funnel, taking into account the unique aspects of my business, which is [insert a brief description of your business, its products/services, and target audience]. Given our primary objective of [insert your main business goal, e.g., increasing brand awareness, boosting sales, enhancing customer loyalty], I seek innovative and engaging content ideas for the following stages of the sales funnel: Awareness, Interest, Consideration, Intent, Evaluation, Purchase, and Post-Purchase.

Please provide three distinct content ideas for each funnel stage, formatted in a table for easy reference. These ideas should align with our business values, appeal to our target audience, and guide them seamlessly from one stage to the next. Additionally, offer suggestions on content types (e.g., blog posts, social media updates, email newsletters, videos, infographics) and distribution channels (e.g., website, YouTube, Instagram, email) that would be most effective at each funnel stage. The goal is to create a clear, step-by-step content marketing plan that can be directly implemented to achieve our stated objectives."

II. Know Your Audience and Its Needs

Understanding your customers is super important. You need to know what problems they have so you can offer solutions. Darby Rollins, who is founder and CEO of Gen AI University, says you need to make sure people know who you are. And your messages should talk to them directly. He suggests using AI to get to know your audience better and create messages that really speak to them.

The prompt:

"Your job as a marketer and customer research expert is to find out what makes people want to buy [product/service], aiming to reach [insert your business goal]. Start by figuring out who is most likely to be interested in [product/service]. Look at each group one by one to understand what makes them special.

Next, put together a content plan for each group, focusing on [product/service] in the [mention your niche]. This means getting to know your audience well, including where they're from, their age, job, how much money they make, what they need, and what problems they have. Find out what drives them and how they think and feel about things.

Your goal is to create content that connects with them on an emotional level without talking directly about your product or company. Focus on the people part of your research.

List your insights as bullet points, each with a bold header to keep things clear. This will help us understand how our target audience thinks and how our product fits into [your niche] from their perspective."

III. Optimize Headlines

Headlines are the first thing you see on a website or a landing page, and if they're good, they can really help sell your product or service. Getting the headline right is key. Kyle Balmer, who started the AI Business Breakthrough Academy, says that headlines are super important because they're the first thing people read and they grab the reader's attention. If your headline isn't catchy, people might not bother with the rest of your content. Kyle also talks about how important it is to try out different headlines to see which ones work best, and he uses ChatGPT to help with this by AB-testing different options.

The prompt example:

"Your role as a creative copywriter is to come up with 10 eye-catching headlines for my business, which is [describe your business]. These headlines should spotlight the key advantages [list benefits] we offer to our target customers [describe your audience]. The goal is to make each headline short, attention-grabbing, and compelling enough to make people want to read more about what we do.

Make sure to mix up the styles of these headlines. Use numbers to give clear facts, add a touch of humor to make them smile, throw in some surprising facts to grab their attention, and even use a bit of reverse psychology to tackle any doubts they might have head-on. This variety will help us appeal to different people and keep them interested, moving them closer to making a purchase.

Let's create headlines that stand out and make our audience curious to learn more about our products or services."

IV. Make Customers Want Your Product

Seeing is believing, and for entrepreneurs, getting your potential customers to imagine using your product or service can really boost your business. When people start picturing your business as part of their dream life, they're much closer to actually signing up. Isabella Bedoya, who created MarketingPros.ai, believes it's crucial to focus on making people want what you're selling, especially in the middle of your sales process. She uses a clever strategy: get your future customers to picture the benefits they'll get from what you offer. This approach helps build a strong emotional bond, turning casual interest into a strong desire, and making them more likely to buy. Try adding a section inspired by this ChatGPT suggestion to your website to guide you in doing just that.

The prompt you can use:

"Your skills as a top sales writer who really gets how people think about buying are key for making a 'desire' section for my [product/service]. This [product/service] solves [list problems solved] and is made for [describe target audience].

We need a story that not only talks about the real benefits but also connects with people's feelings, showing how special our offer is. Talk about how what we offer meets what our audience needs and wants, making them imagine the success and happiness they'll get. Highlight the feeling of success, how it draws in the right customers, the best word to describe the results, and how it makes relationships better, making them feel a certain way.

Your job is to write a story in 150 words that uses the AIDA framework that gets people interested, makes them really want it, and gets them to act, all by focusing on the real and emotional good things our [product/service] adds to our customers' lives and relationships."

V. Improve User Retention with AI

Having a great sales funnel, awesome sales pages, and creating a lot of interest could be pointless if you can't deliver on what you've promised. Remember, keeping your customers is a crucial part of the sales process. Heather Murray, the mind behind AI for Non-Techies, reminds us that this part of the sales journey often gets overlooked. Yet, it's vital. "Keep your customers by finding out what they really think of your service and addressing any problems," she advises. Murray suggests using this idea: create a detailed survey to understand every aspect of how your service is perceived. This helps in maintaining high-quality service.

The prompt she suggests:

"As an expert in client satisfaction and retention, your role is to put together a customer satisfaction survey for my business, which offers [product/service] to [audience]. Our customers are looking for help with [problem], and we offer them [solution]. Your survey should use the SERVQUAL model by Parasuraman and colleagues, which focuses on five important areas: the look and feel of what we offer, how dependable we are, how quick and helpful our service is, how trustworthy and polite our team is, and how well we understand and care for our customers.

The questions you create need to be directly relevant to what we sell and who we sell it to, aiming to get feedback that we can really use to make our customer service better and keep our customers coming back. The survey should get our customers thinking and ask about:

  1. The look and feel: How our place and tools look, how our team looks, and the quality of our communication.

  2. Dependability: Our ability to deliver our service reliably and correctly.

  3. Quick help: Our eagerness to assist our customers and provide fast service.

  4. Trust and politeness: Our team's knowledge and manners, and their ability to make customers feel secure.

  5. Understanding and care: The personal attention we give to our customers.

Make sure the survey is short enough to finish in 15 minutes via email. This will help us get a lot of responses and valuable feedback to improve how we serve our customers."

Use ChatGPT Prompts to Boost Sales

Take apart your sales process and put it back together using advice from five AI experts who really know what they're talking about. Think about what you're offering at every step, really get to know who you're selling to and see things from their perspective, and make your headlines more interesting to catch people's eyes. Make your product or service more appealing to create a connection with potential customers and make sure you keep the customers you get. Use these easy tips to make big improvements.

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