Article AI Summarizer
Use Writingmate to easily summarize long content such as articles, wikipedia pages, documents, essays, and extract the main points quickly.
With Writingmate you can:
Save time by summarizing long articles, essays, documents and any research in a sec
Ask AI to explain unclear text
Summarize content from any page on the web
Highlight text from a web page or document and ask Writingmate to summarize, explain or structurize it for you
Easily share summary into Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Gmail
π Introducing new add-on: Summary of web pages with ChatGPT!
Are you tired of spending hours reading lengthy articles or webpages when you only need the key points? Say goodbye to information overload and hello to efficiency with Writingmate's Summary feature powered by GPT-4.
β° Save Time: Get concise summaries that allow you to grasp the main ideas of a webpage in a fraction of the time it would take to read the entire article.
π§° Convenience: Whether you're a student, professional, or researcher with limited time, our tool provides accurate summaries without the need to sift through lengthy content.
π Enhanced Understanding: By using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to generate summaries that retain the main idea, our tool helps you better comprehend complex articles.
π₯° User-Friendly: With just a click of a button, you can generate a summary within seconds, making it easy and convenient to access essential information.
π How to Get Started:
Install the Writingmate Extension.
Use the shortcut β / Ctrl + M to activate Writingmate on the page you want to summarize.
Click "Summarize this page" in Web Chat menu to generate a summary instantly.
π Use Cases:
College Students: Summarize Wikipedia pages for increased productivity.
Professors: Identify key ideas for lesson preparation.
Researchers: Extract important points from lengthy articles.
Journalists: Simplify information for quick understanding.
π Multi-Language Support: Our tool can handle webpage texts in multiple languages, making it versatile for users worldwide.
πΈ Free to Use with trial: Enjoy the benefits of WebPage Summary with ChatGPT at no cost with free trial!
Experience the power of ChatGPT in summarizing web content & long reads efficiently. Try Writingmate's Summary feature today!
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