Supports Claude 3 and Groq

All best AI models in one place

All best AI models in one place

Get the best AI for any job by using
OpenAI, Claude, Gemini, Llama, Groq, Mistral, and more in one place.

ChatLabs AI Interface
ChatLabs AI Interface
ChatLabs AI Interface
Your Private, Secure, and Fully Customizable AI Chat App

Your Private, Secure, and Fully Customizable AI Chat App

Your Private, Secure, and Fully Customizable AI Chat App

Works with any AI provider

Works with any AI provider

ChatGPT usage limit warning
ChatGPT usage limit warning
ChatGPT usage limit warning

No more ChatGPT frustration

No more ChatGPT frustration

Dissatisfied with ChatGPT? Explore GPT-4 Turbo without limitations and over 30 other AI models like Claude, Llama, Mistral, or Gemini, to find the best fit for your needs.

AI Assistants

AI Assistants

Choose from the library of prebuilt assistants or build your own to supercharge your productivity

Choose from the library of prebuilt assistants or build your own to supercharge your productivity

Choose from the library of prebuilt assistants or build your own to supercharge your productivity

AI Assistants ChatLabs
AI Assistants ChatLabs
Bring Your Keys
Bring Your Keys
Bring Your Keys

Bring your own keys or use ours

Bring your own keys or use ours

Need an API key? Easy, we've got you covered! Want extra security and privacy? Employ your API keys. Concerned about securing your information? Opt for self-hosted models!

Need an API key? Easy, we've got you covered! Want extra security and privacy? Employ your API keys. Concerned about securing your information? Opt for self-hosted models!

Never repeat yourself

Never repeat yourself

Create a catalog of battle-tested prompts and use them with any model to achieve the best results.

Create a catalog of battle-tested prompts and use them with any model to achieve the best results.

Prompts Library
Prompts Library
Chat with files
Chat with files

Chat with your files

Chat with your files

Upload company files, summarize them, and ask questions. The assistant will know it all.

Upload company files, summarize them, and ask questions. The assistant will know it all.

Add your own plugins

Add your own plugins

Need even more flexibility? Want to connect to a CRM or a Help Desk? Add your custom plugins! Or reach out to our team, and we can help!

Need even more flexibility? Want to connect to a CRM or a Help Desk? Add your custom plugins! Or reach out to our team, and we can help!

AI plugins
AI plugins
AI plugins




Save 33%

Looking to buy for your team? Reach out to learn about Enterprise Plan

Professional Plan

Access to most of the pro models and features. Suitable for most users.



per month, billed annually ($239.88/year)

AI models

5 messages/day for Claude 3 Opus and OpenAI OI models

Access to GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, Perplexity, Google Gemini, Mistral, Llama 3.1 and 20+ other models

DALLE-3, Stable Diffusion 3 image models

Image generation

Generate detailed visuals for work, study, and presentations with two pro models

AI assistants

Get personalized help with pre-built and custom GPT assistants and create yours

Prompt Library

A wide range of prompts to enhance interactions with AI and save your time

Chat with your files

Upload documents up to 5mb to extract or summarize key information directly

AI model comparison

Compare models by quality, speed, cost, and the number of tokens used

Web access

Quickly access the latest research and online data

Privacy and support

Conversations and search results are private

Generated images are private

Priority email support

Ultimate Plan

Access to the most advanced models. For the ultimate AI users.



per month, billed annually ($479.88/year)

AI models

50 messages/day for Claude 3 Opus and OpenAI OI models

Flux.1, DALLE-3, Stable Diffusion 3 image models

All Pro plan models

Image generation

Generate detailed visuals for work, study, and presentations with three pro models

AI assistants

Get personalized help with pre-built and custom GPT assistants and create yours

Prompt Library

A wide range of prompts to enhance interactions with AI and save your time

Chat with your files

Upload documents up to 5mb to extract or summarize key information directly

AI model comparison

Compare models by quality, speed, cost, and the number of tokens used

Web access

Quickly access the latest research and online data

Privacy and support

Conversations and search results are private

Generated images are private

Priority email support

Priority feature requests




Save 33%

Professional Plan

Access to most of the models and features. Suitable for most users.



per month, billed annually ($239.88/year)

AI models

5 messages/day for Claude 3 Opus and OpenAI OI models

Access to GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, Perplexity, Google Gemini, Mistral, Llama 3.1 and 20+ other models

DALLE-3, Stable Diffusion 3 image models

Image generation

Generate detailed visuals for work, study, and presentations with two pro models

AI assistants

Get personalized help with pre-built and custom GPT assistants and create yours

Prompt Library

A wide range of prompts to enhance interactions with AI and save your time

Chat with your files

Upload documents up to 5mb to extract or summarize key information directly

AI model comparison

Compare models by quality, speed, cost, and the number of tokens used

Web access

Quickly access the latest research and online data

Privacy and support

Conversations and search results are private

Generated images are private

Priority email support

Ultimate Plan

Access to the most advanced models. For the ultimate AI users.



per month, billed annually ($239.88/year)

AI models

50 messages/day for Claude 3 Opus and OpenAI OI models

Flux.1, DALLE-3, Stable Diffusion 3 image models

All Pro plan models

Image generation

Generate detailed visuals for work, study, and presentations with three pro models

AI assistants

Get personalized help with pre-built and custom GPT assistants and create yours

Prompt Library

A wide range of prompts to enhance interactions with AI and save your time

Chat with your files

Upload documents up to 5mb to extract or summarize key information directly

AI model comparison

Compare models by quality, speed, cost, and the number of tokens used

Web access

Quickly access the latest research and online data

Privacy and support

Conversations and search results are private

Generated images are private

Priority email support

Priority feature requests

Looking to buy for your team? Reach out to learn about Enterprise Plan




Save 33%

Professional Plan

Access to most of the pro models and features. Suitable for most users.


per month

AI models

5 messages/day for Claude 3 Opus and OpenAI OI models

Access to GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, Perplexity, Google Gemini, Mistral, Llama 3.1 and 20+ other models

DALLE-3, Stable Diffusion 3 image models

Image generation

Generate detailed visuals for work, study, and presentations with two pro models

AI assistants

Get personalized help with pre-built and custom GPT assistants and create yours

Prompt Library

A wide range of prompts to enhance interactions with AI and save your time

Chat with your files

Upload documents up to 5mb to extract or summarize key information directly

AI model comparison

Compare models by quality, speed, cost, and the number of tokens used

Web access

Quickly access the latest research and online data

Privacy and support

Conversations and search results are private

Generated images are private

Priority email support

Ultimate Plan

Access to the most advanced models. For the ultimate AI users.


per month

AI models

50 messages/day for Claude 3 Opus and OpenAI OI models

Flux.1, DALLE-3, Stable Diffusion 3 image models

All Pro plan models

Image generation

Generate detailed visuals for work, study, and presentations with three pro models

AI assistants

Get personalized help with pre-built and custom GPT assistants and create yours

Prompt Library

A wide range of prompts to enhance interactions with AI and save your time

Chat with your files

Upload documents up to 5mb to extract or summarize key information directly

AI model comparison

Compare models by quality, speed, cost, and the number of tokens used

Web access

Quickly access the latest research and online data

Privacy and support

Conversations and search results are private

Generated images are private

Priority email support

Priority feature requests

Looking to buy for your team? Reach out to learn about Enterprise Plan



What is ChatLabs?

How does ChatLabs work?

How to start using ChatLabs?

Is ChatLabs free to use?

Do I need ChatGPT account?

What LLMs are currently supported by ChatLabs?

What is the relationship between ChatLabs and Writingmate Chrome extension?

How does paid subscription for Writingmate chrome extension work in ChatLabs?

Does ChatLabs have message limits?

What is the Bring Your Own Keys subscription plan?

Do I need my own OpenAI/Anthropic/Gemini API keys?

Can I use my own OpenAI/Anthropic/Gemini API keys?

How can I use a custom model with ChatLabs?

What is ChatLabs?

How does ChatLabs work?

How to start using ChatLabs?

Is ChatLabs free to use?

Do I need ChatGPT account?

What LLMs are currently supported by ChatLabs?

What is the relationship between ChatLabs and Writingmate Chrome extension?

How does paid subscription for Writingmate chrome extension work in ChatLabs?

Does ChatLabs have message limits?

What is the Bring Your Own Keys subscription plan?

Do I need my own OpenAI/Anthropic/Gemini API keys?

Can I use my own OpenAI/Anthropic/Gemini API keys?

How can I use a custom model with ChatLabs?

What is ChatLabs?

How does ChatLabs work?

How to start using ChatLabs?

Is ChatLabs free to use?

Do I need ChatGPT account?

What LLMs are currently supported by ChatLabs?

What is the relationship between ChatLabs and Writingmate Chrome extension?

How does paid subscription for Writingmate chrome extension work in ChatLabs?

Does ChatLabs have message limits?

What is the Bring Your Own Keys subscription plan?

Do I need my own OpenAI/Anthropic/Gemini API keys?

Can I use my own OpenAI/Anthropic/Gemini API keys?

How can I use a custom model with ChatLabs?

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We stay on the shoulders of the giants. We are powered by a custom hosted version of ChatbotUI.

Powered by Open-Source

We stay on the shoulders of the giants. We are powered by a custom hosted version of ChatbotUI.

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