Jul 4, 2024

Making AI Content More Human: Tips and Tools

Discover effective strategies to humanize AI content, avoid detection, and enhance engagement using top tools and practical tips.

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In today's digital landscape, AI-generated content is more and more present. That is often annoying because you can spot AI-written texts from the start. Are you sure this one was not AI-written? Well, it mostly was not. While efficient, AI content often lacks a human touch. It is less engaging and fun. At least, if the person who was guiding the AI knows nothing about our today's topic. After reading this, you will be able to do better texts (and images) with AI. They will look and feel more human. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to humanize AI content, avoid AI detection, and make your AI-generated text more relatable and true to life.

Understanding AI Content

Artificial Intelligence can create vast amounts of content quickly. It costs almost nothing. However, the mechanical nature of AI writing is a major drawback. Especially if you want to write something that not just you, but other people will read and use. Readers tend to prefer content that feels personal and relatable. Humanizing AI content involves several strategies that make the text more engaging and less detectable as AI-generated.

Why Humanize AI Content?

Before, bad-written content was the one with the most mistakes, an awful structure, and no valuable ideas. Now, bad writing is much more about the tone, feel, and generic quality. Don't make lazy AI texts, know how to make AI texts better. So, humanizing AI content is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Engagement: Humanized content is more likely to connect with readers on an emotional level.

  2. Trust: Personal touches build trust and credibility.

  3. SEO Benefits: Human-like content tends to perform better in search engine rankings.

  4. Avoid Detection: AI detectors can flag purely AI-generated content, which can be detrimental in various contexts.


Strategies to Humanize AI Content

Use a Conversational Tone and Incorporate Personal Examples

Adopting a conversational tone makes content more relatable. Instead of formal or robotic language, use casual phrases and address the reader directly. For instance, instead of writing "One should consider," say "You might want to consider."

Personal anecdotes and specific examples can make your content more engaging. Sharing relatable experiences helps readers connect with the material on a personal level.

Be opinionated

Add phrases like 'in my opinion' and 'I think'. Those will make the text much more personal. But make sure that you don't subscribe to something you don't actually believe in, that would be a hilarious failure. But, as a rule of thumb, think of yourself as a commentator, a person who makes a reaction on YouTube, and a newspaper editor. Add your own thoughts and opinions, just don't make them conflict too much with the thoughts written in the text.

Sometimes, if your AI-written text has some points you disagree with, you can manually rewrite them to fit your worldview and opinions. All of that will make a text much less AI-looking.

Vary Sentence Structure

AI-generated content often has repetitive sentence structures. Those look bad and are easy to spot. Mix short and long sentences, and use a variety of sentence types to make the text flow more naturally. Generally, you need to shorten AI-written sentences. AI tends to write long and wordy sentences and paragraphs. You can also avoid this to some extent by giving AI great prompts.

Add Human Emotions, Reactions, Humor or Sarcasm

Including emotional responses or personal opinions can make the content feel more alive. Phrases like "I was thrilled" or "It can be frustrating" add a human element that AI typically lacks. Appropriate humor and light sarcasm can make your content more enjoyable. These elements are difficult for AI to replicate effectively, so they help differentiate your writing.

Include Visuals and Interactive Elements

Adding images, videos, and interactive content like polls or quizzes can make AI-generated text more engaging. Visuals break up the text and provide a richer reading experience. You can use AI-generated images as well, but make sure THEY don't look too generic and AI-generated. I will probably write a guide about that soon.


Tools to Humanize AI Content


ChatLabs is a versatile tool that not only helps you create AI-generated content but also checks for AI detection. ChatLabs offers various AI models, including GPT, Claude, Mistral, and LLama, allowing you to blend different AI-generated pieces for a more human touch. Additionally, ChatLabs can assist in both the pre-production and post-production stages of content creation. Its features are good at enhancing AI content.

This tool has a specific AI Detection Assistant, which can help to detect AI text and make AI-written text more human. ChatLabs is excellent for refining content and ensuring it reads naturally. That said, it is good if you know a couple of good prompts to work better with texts. And I’ve written an article about that: https://writingmate.ai/blog/becoming-an-ai-prompt-engineer-a-guide-to-a-new-career-path 



Grammarly not only checks grammar but also provides style suggestions. It can help you vary your sentence structure, use more conversational language, and add emotional nuances to your writing. It works swiflty. When you install it on desktop, it is shown as a bubble near any application that you enter text to. It offers suggestions and is quite flexible. But to use most of its features, you need to pay and there are no free trial extensions.


Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor helps simplify complex sentences and make your content more readable. It highlights passive voice, long sentences, and complex words, allowing you to make your AI-generated text clearer and more engaging. You can do quite a log with it even on a free plan, but as your credits run out, you have a choice. You can pay and buy credits. Or you can just create another account. Both options will let you to significantly extend the limits and enhance much more text. Hemingway also uses a readability grade system, that can help you know whether your text is ok or needs more work.

What I like about Hemingway is its simplicity and minimalist approach. It works as a usual text editor, but all the functions I use most often when working with text are integrated very well. It always shows you a word count and other details, and lets you to enhance, extend or shorten specific portions of the text.


Avoiding AI Detection

To bypass AI content detection, ensure your text feels natural and less machine-like. Here are some tips:

  1. Mix AI and Human Writing: Combine AI-generated content with your own writing to create a seamless piece.

  2. Edit Thoroughly: After generating content with AI, edit it extensively to add a human touch.

  3. Use Synonyms: Replace common AI-generated phrases with synonyms to make the text unique.

  4. Change the Structure: Reorganize paragraphs and sentences to avoid patterns typical of AI writing.

The Role of AI Plagiarism Checkers

Using AI plagiarism checkers ensures your content is original and not flagged as AI-generated. Here are three notable tools:


Copyscape is a widely used tool for checking plagiarism. That said, it is old! But it can detect duplicated content and ensure your AI-generated text is unique.



Turnitin is popular in academic circles for checking originality. It is also effective in detecting AI-generated content.

Grammarly Plagiarism Checker

Grammarly's plagiarism checker is integrated into its overall tool, making it convenient to use. It compares your text against billions of web pages to ensure originality.


Enhancing AI Content with Multiple Models

Using multiple AI models can add diversity to your content. You can use the advantages of all of them. Now it is possible from a single web app. ChatLabs allows you to integrate different AI models, such as GPT, Claude, Mistral, and LLama. This combination can produce more varied and human-like content. Moreover, ChatLabs enables image generation, adding a visual dimension to your writing.


Humanizing AI content is essential for creating engaging, relatable, and trustworthy material. By using a conversational tone, incorporating personal stories, varying sentence structure, and adding human emotions, you can make AI-generated text more human-like. Tools like ChatLabs, WritingMate, Grammarly, and Hemingway Editor are invaluable in this process.

In the end, blending human creativity with AI efficiency results in the best content. Use AI as a tool for pre-production or post-production, adding your unique touch to make the final piece truly stand out.

For detailed articles on AI, visit our blog that we make with a love of technology, people, and their needs.

See you in the next articles!


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