Sep 22, 2024

Best AI Tools for Document Review in 2024

Discover the top AI tools for reviewing, analyzing, and summarizing documents. Learn which AI can read files, PDFs, and more in 2024.

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AI's evolution has made document review simpler and more efficient. AI tools can now analyze, summarize, and compare PDFs, spreadsheets, images, and text files. They do this at incredible speeds. But with so many options, which AI is the best at reviewing files? In this article, we’ll explore the top AI tools that can read and analyze documents, including PDFs, code files, and more.

Let’s dive into some of the best AI-powered tools for reviewing documents, from ChatLabs to other specialized AI systems.

ChatLabs: A Powerful All-in-One AI for Document Review

When it comes to reviewing multiple file types, ChatLabs stands out as a useful, simple and efficient option. This platform supports a variety of AI models, including GPT-4, Claude, Mistral, and LLaMA, among others. This allows you to compare how different models work with various files like PDFs, DOCs, images, TXT files, and much more. All inside one single chatbot!

More details on how those Vision features work in Chatlabs and what is supported:


For example, if you have a dense PDF report, ChatLabs can summarize it with one model, like GPT-4. Then, it can generate insights with another, like Claude, Gemini or LLaMA. You can analyze large datasets by uploading Excel or CSV files. This makes it perfect for both text and data-heavy document reviews.


Key Features of ChatLabs:

  • Supports multiple file types (PDF, TXT, DOC, CSV, XLS, and images).

  • Uses various AI models for reviewing and comparing files.

  • Offers advanced document summarization and insight generation.

  • Allows for easy document management and collaboration in a single platform.

Example Use Case:

Imagine you’re reviewing a long research paper in PDF format. Using ChatLabs, you can upload the file and select multiple AI models to summarize and cross-analyze key sections of the text. One AI might give a brief overview. Another can extract specific details. Together, they can help you fully understand the document.


Perplexity: An AI App That Reads Files Accurately

Another AI tool making waves in the document review space is Perplexity. Perplexity AI is particularly good at reading and analyzing text-heavy files like reports, research papers, and contracts. Unlike many other AIs, Perplexity can handle complex language, making it an ideal choice for legal or academic documents.

Perplexity also supports different file formats such as DOC, PDF, and TXT files. It makes it a top choice for pros. They want to review important documents quickly, without missing details.

Which AI Can Analyze Files Like Perplexity?

If you are specifically looking for an AI that can read files like Perplexity, other strong competitors include ChatGPT and Claude AI. These models are highly adept at reading and summarizing documents while providing deep insights into the text. They’re also effective in handling various document types, from PDFs to spreadsheets.

Why Perplexity Stands Out:

  • Handles complex, text-heavy documents like contracts and research papers.

  • Efficient at summarizing legal and academic texts.

  • Works with multiple file formats like DOC and TXT, in addition to PDF.


Best AI Document Summarizers in 2024

Summarizing long documents is one of AI's most popular applications. The following AI tools offer excellent summarization features, saving you hours of manual reading. AI-Powered Code Review and Summarization

For software developers, is a must-have tool. Its main focus is code review. But, it can also analyze technical documents, such as API docs, specs, and large codebases. uses AI to highlight coding errors, suggest improvements, and summarize large blocks of code. It’s perfect for software development teams who need to review vast codebases efficiently. can read and analyze code files such as JSON, Python scripts, or even entire repositories. Its integration with GitHub ensures that you can seamlessly incorporate AI into your code review workflow.

Benefits of Using for Code Review:

  • Supports multiple programming languages and file formats (JSON, Python, etc.).

  • Efficiently highlights coding errors and suggests improvements.

  • Summarizes large code files for easy understanding.

ChatGPT: Flexible Document Summarization

If you’re looking for a flexible AI document summarizer, ChatGPT offers an excellent option. Its strength lies in processing various types of files—from academic papers and legal documents to financial reports. With ChatGPT, you can input large texts or upload PDFs and spreadsheets. The AI will then generate concise summaries in seconds.

One advantage of ChatGPT is its conversational style, making the summaries easy to understand even for people who are unfamiliar with the content's complexity.

Best Features of ChatGPT for Document Review:

  • Summarizes diverse file types (PDFs, DOCs, spreadsheets).

  • Works with complex legal, academic, and financial documents.

  • Provides clear and easy-to-understand summaries.



Specialized AI for Document Review

There are also several other specialized AI tools designed for reviewing specific types of documents, such as legal contracts, PDFs, and research papers. These AIs excel at working with particular file types and offer additional features tailored to specific needs.

PDF AI Readers: Reviewing and Summarizing PDFs with Ease

If you often work with PDFs, a dedicated PDF AI reader might be the right tool for you. These readers handle PDFs. They're common for contracts, research papers, and e-books. Many PDF readers can summarize content. They can also annotate, highlight, and extract key info.

Tools like Adobe Acrobat AI and Kami AI are some of the best PDF AI readers in 2024. These tools excel at reviewing long, complex PDFs and extracting valuable information. Link to Acrobat AI:


Key Benefits of Using PDF AI Readers:

  • Extracts key information from long, complex PDF documents.

  • Allows for annotations and highlights important sections.

  • Summarizes content for easier understanding.

Comparing AI Models for Document Review

AI document review tools are beautiful. They let you compare different AI models. This helps you find the best tool for your needs. ChatLabs, for example, lets you experiment with multiple AI models in one platform, giving you the flexibility to compare their performance when reviewing different document types.

Some models are better at handling text-based files, while others excel at working with data-heavy formats like Excel or CSV files. By comparing models, you can make more informed decisions about which AI is best suited for analyzing your specific documents.

Conclusion: The Best AI for Document Review

In 2024, AI tools for document review are more powerful than ever. Whether you're working with text files, PDFs, spreadsheets, or code, there's an AI tool to make your workflow more efficient. ChatLabs is a standout choice, allowing you to use multiple AI models like GPT-4, Claude, and Mistral to handle various file types, making it a one-stop solution for document analysis. Try it here:


For text-heavy documents, use Perplexity or ChatGPT. They read and summarize legal, academic, and financial texts well. For developers, is an exceptional tool for reviewing and summarizing code files. Also, if you focus on PDFs, PDF AI readers like Adobe Acrobat AI have special features for this format.

For more information on AI tools for document review and analysis, check out our blog, where we regularly update our readers with the latest in AI technology.

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